It's been a long time since we have had a picture scrapbook on Only Olivia. Of course we collect pictures off the Internet, head over to our Pinterest page to see that.
However, Olivia peak era of success predates the Internet, I started the first Olivia Newton-John web page back in 1994, which is over ten years after Physical and Grease. Because of this there's quite a dearth of fan pics from the 1970s and early 1980s.

I have been digging in trying to push some of the concert photos pages back past Olivia's return to touring in 1998 and turned up a little gem from way, way back. Esprit had sold us a collection of fan pics someone had collected over the years, presumably an estate clearance...

The trouble with fan pics is that 1970s amateur photo tech was pants. Some of these are shot on roll film, which should give better quality than 35mm film or digital phone cameras, but in practice the lenses stank and didn't give you the performance in low light. I reject well over half for technical quality, and most of the rest I wouldn't let pass if I were the photographer, but historical value shifts the balance to letting lower quality pass. Autofocus wasn't really a thing until the 1980s, it's a real struggle to shoot concert photos on film, but for all that it's a treasure trove of good stuff from the early years of Olivia's success, particularly as some of her US concert tours were outside in the daytime under the bright West Coast sun. So we have decided to reboot the pictures part of this site, but focus on fan pictures. And here you are.
A lot of these seem to be sourced from the Bo Larsson Cliff-Shadows-Olivia Fan Service in Farsta, Sweden. These are all from an analogue world long lost, where there is no metadata. Some dates may be off a bit as some of this has to be pieced from various sources, if we give a day then we are reasonably sure of its accuracy. Bo Larsson at least tended to write where and when on the back of some of his sets.