These are Olivia appearing at public events that aren't primarily concerts, we have a separate page for her concerts
Think of it as a ticker-tape of the occasional news features we used to run as the club heard about these events. Before 2000 people used dial-up to access the internet, so these sorts of things were published in the Only Olivia newsletter in the 1990s. I have shown approximate tour dates and CD releases to give context.
This list is selective and non-exhaustive. Olivia has of course continued to appear at events after 2010, Only Olivia only really started tracking these in the mid-late 1990s and the club closed in 2011
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 20002019
Newbridge Silverware, Ireland
22 July

14 December

AOL Photo Shoot
19 November

Honoring the Promise
16 October

Myer Store Appearance
6 May

Pink and Blue for Two
22 April

Voices for Healing Our Planet
26-27 March

Rainbow Radio Award, Germany
19 March

Press Conference before the Rainbow radio award
18 March

London TV studios
15 March

Zamu Germany
10 March

Race for the Cure
30 January

16 January

Million Dollar Revival Concert
13 December

Kaleidoscope on Ice
18 November

Myer Precious Metal Ball
22 May

Nintendo DS Myer In Store Promotion
30 April

19 March

Sound Relief
14 March

Oscar Night
22 February

Love & Hope Ball
14 February

20 January

G'Day USA Black Tie Gala
18 January

AmazonHerb Summit, Hohenroda
9-11 January

Grease LivAid
7 December

Australia Movie premiere
24 November

Myer Garden Party
5 September

Project Angel
23 August

Sordid Lives Series Premiere
15 July

LA Gay Pride
8 June

Prince's Book Release party
30 May

Olivia: Voices for the Rainforest
7 May

Sydney Mardi Gras
March 2

Mike and Juliet TV show
7 December

Steve Irwin Day
15 November

Tours Canada in October
Grease Broadway show
2 October

Xanadu on Broadway
July 10

A Holiday Celebration
24 June

Phantom Planet
28 May

Spring Tour
Olivia on Asian tour April - photos, press etc
Olivia in Canada
10 Feb

Olivia meets the Chippendales
20 January

G'Day Gala
19 January

G'Day LA Ball
13 January

14 November
Billboard Music Film and TV Music Conference

Olivia came to the Only Olivia Convention
4 November

Only Olivia ONJCCA Cancer Centre donation
3 November

Walk for Hope
8 October

Fall Tour
2006 Fall Tour- photos and reviews
David Foster Gala
10 September

15 July

Grand Prix
2 April

Spring Tour
Japanese tourin March
Australia tour in March
Dionne Warwick concert
26 January

G'Day LA
14 January

15 November

Fall Tour - photos
Tree Day, Australia
31 July

Spring Tour
April 2005 Tour - photos
Once Upon A Time Concert, Copenhagen
2 April

Australia's Open tennis finals
30 January

Black Tie Australian Gala
15 January

Stronger Than Before CD released - details
Gold Music videos released on DVD - details
Royal Variety Performance
15 December

CHEC's One Child One World Benefit
11 November

Olivia's 2004 album Indigo released
19 October
Livkit promotion
7 October

Fall 2004 tour dates - photos/review
Olivia's From the Heart bustier - designed for charity
Only Olivia Convention
27 August

Koala Blue TV commercial
1 August

Spring and Fall Tour
Black Tie Australian Gala
24 January

Australia, US and Japan Tour
Japanese tour dates and photos
More US tour dates in 2003
Australian tour dates and photos
29 August
Olivia's mom Irene (1914-2003) passes - tribute
The Liv Kit - details
Land Before Time X DVD - released with new song by Olivia
Winter Tour
Three tour dates in January 2003 with photos
TV Special
31 October

ARIA Hall of Fame
15 October

Fall Tour
Olivia on tour - Sept/Oct 2002
Thompson Cancer Survival Center
20 September

Grease Party
24 September

Launch of Koala Blue wines
23 April

3M Private concert
15 September

Summer Tour USA
Olivia on tour - Summer 2001
Mt Isa concert
23 June

9 May/p>
Sordid Lives Premiere
3 May
Olivia at the Sordid Lives Californian premiere
Carols by Candlelight
24 December

Euro Christmas HK
15 December

Hallmark CD
Christmas Hallmark CD released in US with Vince Gill - September 2000
CD poster signing Warringah Mall
29 September

Sydney Olympics Opening ceremony
15 September

Olympic torch
14 September

Live CD One Woman's Live Journey
Olivia's live concert CD "One Woman's Live Journey" released Sept 2000
Korean Press Conference
21 August

Olivia performing in Hong Kong August 18, 19 2000
Olympics Press Conference
10 August

CHEC Grand Slam
July 30

Toomorrow and Sordid Lives
8 July

Online Chat Transcript
8 July
Del Shores, Ann Walker (from Sordid Lives) and Rona Newton-John joined fans for an online chat hosted by Only Olivia. edited transcript
Miracle Match
21 June

CHEC Jubilation Concert
1 June

Jim Brickman
May 3
Olivia and Jim Brickman- performing together on Jim's live concert CD and video
Spring Tour USA
Olivia's wonderful Spring USA tour - March 31 to May 21 2000
Olivia went to the Vatican to meet the Pope
12 February

Fans were treated to the Greatest Hits tour kicking off the New Year in Las Vegas, followed by the Summer tour in July
San Diego
13 July

Grease London, 25th June 1998

London, June 1998 - it was Grease premiere time again, 20 years after the first premiere at the Empire, Leicester Square. Olivia arrived and dazzled the crowd, wearing a terrific combination of a slinky, sensual full-length leather dress set off with a delicate pink top.
Sexy, classy and beautiful, Olivia was queen of the event yet gracious and gentle with it - sheer magic, and the belle of the after-movie party with funfair set up at Planit 2000 afterwards.
Only Olivia Convention
15-16 May

Back With a Heart
12 May
Back With a Heart album releasedPeople Mag transcript
11 May
Olivia answered fans' questions online at People magazine's site transcript
24 Jan Australia Day, LA
Olivia headlined the Australia Day celebrations at the Beverly Hilton hotel, Beverly Hills on January 24th 1998. She sang three songs live (Waltzing Maltida, I Still Call Australia Home and I Honestly Love You).
Australian Tour, January
Olivia was Cliff Richard's special guest on his
Olivia was billed as Special Guest for Cliff Richard's 40th Anniversary tour of Australia in February 1998.
They performed five duets together and Olivia sang about four songs solo.

Australian The Singles CD

Operation Smile
17 November

Lifetime Applauds: The Fight Against Breast Cancer
21 October

Aussie Rugby League Final Sept 20 '97
21 October

Panasonic ads in Australia

Germany '96
26 July

31 May

Paramount 75th Anniversary
12 July