Concert at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, 26 Aug 1976
Fan photos from this 1976 concert

Concert at the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, 28 Aug 1976
Fan photos

Olivia at NARM, March 1976
Fan photos from the National Association of Recording Merchandisers convention.

While the next three aren't explicitly listed as being from NARM they are the same hair and outfit as the ones that are listed as NARM, which is good enough for me.

Olivia at unknown event, 7 September 1976
Fan photos from September 1976

Olivia live in Japan 1976
Fan photos from 1976. These are only listed Japan 1976, this is probably the concert the 1981 album Love Performance is taken from, though the sleeve photos on that album are from Olivia's 1978 Japan tour.

Olivia at unknown event, 3 November 1976
Fan photos from November 1976. Vaguely reminds me of Olivia's first 1976 TV Special for ABC in style.

NBC, 12 Dec 1976

I have listed these in 1976 from Olivia's hairstyle, the book she is holding on one pic was published in 1975 so it is definitely after '75

Tough one to place, but since the print was in Feb 77 and I can't believe February is that warm and sunny even in LA I've listed it under 1976