Press Conference, 21 Aug 2000
Thanks to Julie Shim for her translation!
Q: We heard that you had Deonjang (Korean style fermented bean) soup before the press conference. How was the taste?
A: I suggested we go to an ordinary restaurant where lay people go rather than fancy one on my first visit. I really enjoyed Deonjang soup at a small restaurant near the Australian Embassy. But its spicy chilly paste and hot soup made me hot. It will take some time to really enjoy it.
Q: You released a comeback album in 1998. Will you continue your music work?
A: Yes, I will. I will release an album of my live concerts soon, which will be out in Korea, too. I am planning also to make a box set of my thirty-year music history. As well as singing, I will do my best for UN Goodwill Ambassador for Environment, an organization for breast cancer, environmental bodies for children, etc.
Q: You are making a successful life as both a singer and environmental activist. What is your motivating power?
A: I'm very lucky with my successful career as an entertainer. My role of an environmental activist started from when my daughter was born. It originated from my responsibility as a parent so that my daughter can drink the tap water that I am drinking. Fortunately, my popularity as an entertainer can help the environmental movement. My behaviour can help people sympathize with concerns about environmental pollution as well as delivering a 'meaning' to them although I am not an expert.
Q: The song ' Summer Nights' from the movie 'Grease' is getting popular these days due to a TV commercial for jeans in Korea,
A: I've heard of it. I want to see that on TV before I leave Korea.
Q: Do you have any plan as an actress?
A: I finished work on a film recently. Next year this comedy movie will come out in the US. In this film, I'll show the wild side of my character unlike my previous image. I play a woman who has lived a harsh life with tattoos on my body.
Q: Weren't you worried about the strong image from the movie 'Grease'?
A: I played the role of Sandy and her images of the former part and later part are different. So I call the heroine of the movie 'Sandy 1' and 'Sandy 2' respectively. I did mostly Country music before, but from 'Sandy 2' I inclined towards Rock. So the movie didn't fix my image, rather changed it.
Q: In which countries are you performing concerts during your tour in Asia?
A: There's only Hong Kong and Seoul. I could not extend my schedule, as I will be attending the Sydney Olympics events. I'll peform sing 25 songs at my concert in Korea. The repertoire consists of songs Koreans like. I will invite them to join me on my long musical journey from my debut to today.
Q: You are one of the Sydney Olympic flame bearers. Do you have any schedule related to sports during this visit?
A: I like tennis personally, but don't have any of sports related schedule.
Q: You had such a long break after the song ' Physical'. What was the reason?
A: I stopped my musical work and devoted all my time to childcare after my delivery in 1986. She's grown up a lot now and I've worked during her school vacations.
Q: You are still beautiful and healthy. Do you have a secret method for that?
A: Eating well, sleeping well and I live with happy mind. No smoking and no drinking are said to be a secret method for a health.
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