Olivia recorded Don't Stop Believin' in Nashville, TN. Perhaps she was trying to build bridges after the 1974 fight when some old-timers objected to an Australian woman winning the CMA awards, or she simply wanted to record in the US with some great Nashville musicians. The result was three singles, the title track, Every Face Tells a Story and Sam.
Sam was a great hit on the UK charts and I heard it frequently on my transistor radio when revising for my O levels, and I found it hard to concentrate so I'd hit the off switch. Well, they say converts are the most ardent fans ;-) little did I know, that I was going to hear a lot more of Miss Newton-John as time went by.

Front cover - UHD version

Back cover - UHD version
There was an inner sleeve

Front cover - UHD version

Back cover - UHD version
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