The 45rpm vinyl single reigned supreme at the start of Olivia's career, giving way to the vinyl LP in the Seventies and early Eighties. These were overtaken by CD, which gave way to today's downloads and streaming. Soul Kiss was the first album to be released on CD, and Winter Angel was the first CD single that I know of.
Nearly all of Olivia's work is available on her albums, but her singles releases are many and varied - tracking down all her 45rpm releases is almost impossible due to the number of countries her music was released in. This is an eclectic sample of Olivia singles from around the world, with the emphasis on European, US, Japanese and Australian issues.

All listings are for the 7" 45rpm format unless otherwise indicated. Many thanks to Kay Bohlen, Sara Elander, Lise Andreasen, Tina Semrau, Michael Koevoets, Marion Schanowski, Miranda Storm, Javier Sanchez-Arteaga and Philippe Roumila who helped with many of the rare picture sleeves and wide knowledge of Olivia's singles worldwide.
Montage: Philippe Roumila