Various items - see individual headings
Thanks to Philippe Roumila
Spanish Poster and programme

US flyer

Pull out poster from 1980 Dutch Joepie magazine

Review of Xanadu - reader's letter

Xanadu ads
Thanks to Raymond Brune

Xanadu hairstyles
Thanks to Raymond Brune

These glamorous movie-stars hairstyles for you to re-create are worn by Olivia Newton-John in Xanadu, a film that features costumes and hairdos from the forties and eighties.
- Hair is set, then combed into a coronet and pinned in place. Bangs and rest of hair tumble in loose waves.
- Blown dry and fluffed to make it light and feathery, hair is then simply allowed to fall loose.
- Large rollers are used to achieve wide, loose waves and wrispy bangs.
- A roller set on the ends plus side combs create a forties pin-up-girl look.
- Hair is blown dry, then set on large rollers to get a relaxed curl. Small side combs hold hair back; narrow ribbons are a young, appealing touch.
- Medium rollers add curl and bounce to Olivia's long silky hair.
- First, hair is brushed to one side; then it's set on large rollers to create a young evening hairdo.
- 8 roller set to start; then a sleek comb-out creates a high pompadour and long loose pageboy that's much less rigid than those of the forties.
Hairdos by Martin Samuel, Los Angeles
Woman's Day 9/2/80
Bluewater Productions have used Xanadu as an inspiration for their comic cover the "Tenth Muse". The model featured is Cindy Margolis. The comic's content doesn't have anything to do with the Xanadu story.