Type: | Interview |
first airdate: | 17 February 2021 |
broadcaster: | CTV |
Production country: |
CA |
Duration: | 3.5 mins |
This is only a short interview, but you won't get a better illustration of the mother-daughter relationship between Olivia and Chloe! The host, Katie Kelly, asks a series of mother daughter questions
that Olivia and Chloe find hilarious trying to answer. Firstly, who is most likely to be late - both point to each other. Secondly, who is the messiest - it's Chloe they both agree on that. Thirdly, who is the best cook - both agree it's Olivia because she's the most experienced. Fourthly, who is most likely to loose their phone - they point to each other with Olivia reminding Chloe Lately?
There's obviously a lost phone story there.