Analogue laserdiscs - for those who wanted the very best compared to fuzzy VHS! Olivia was very successful at the time Laserdiscs were being introduced to the market, and here they are. Laserdisc performed much better in the Japanese and US market than in the European market.
Unfortunately although the non-contact laserdisc should last longer in theory, the discs degraded and many are unserviceable new, whereas little played VHS tapes from that era are still playable. That first video special, Olivia, in particular suffered from laser rot and it would be surprising if you could find a copy of that in playable condition, even if you had a player in good working order
Laserdisc never caught on in Europe but was big in the US and Japan until DVD replaced it around the millennium. As a play-only medium the format is now totally dead because new discs have not been made since 2000, and the players are becoming elderly.
US laserdiscs (NTSC format)
PAL laserdiscs
It should be noted that the early European laserdiscs in the PAL format are not all compatible with later PAL LD players, and those without digital soundtracks may play vision-only on later PAL disc players.
1988 Down Under
- CD Video (digital snd)
page topin the giant stream of time, the survival rate for any video format is zero