Type: | Interview |
first airdate: | April 17 2002 |
broadcaster: | Ten |
Production country: |
AU |
Duration: | 13 mins |
Olivia and Pat Farrar appeared on Bert Newton's Australian breakfast show to promote their Koala Blue wine.
Bert showed a couple of black and white clips of Olivia and Pat back in the 60s including rare footage of them arriving home by airplane from England. Olivia's old boyfriend, Ian Turpie was mentioned - Bert always seems to mention him when he interviews Olivia and she's learnt to expect it! Bert had one message for Ian Turpie about his ex-boyfriend status - "bad luck oh chum." It's all very jokingly done as everyone in Australia knows that Ian has been happily married for well over 20 years and Olivia is good friends with Ian and his wife Jan.

It's revealed that Pat's old boyfriend was Fred Welland who was in the band The Strangers with her now husband John Farrar. Olivia and Pat both agree that he was very cute. At that time he had a better car than John which mattered to Pat in those days! Pat and John didn't start dating until the late 60s by which time either Pat had grown wiser or John had bought himself a faster motor.
Olivia and Pat present Bert with a couple of bottles of their Koala blue wine. The brand name of Koala Blue now belongs to someone else. However, the owner is happy for Olivia and Pat to use it again as he found it wasn't worth much without Olivia's endorsement.
The interview inevitably talks about Olivia's career and the role John Farrar has played in it. Olivia and Pat are thrown off guard when asked by Bert what their biggest hit as a duo was: "we didn't really have a hit" replies Pat. They manage to remember the TV special they did for Australian TV back in 1968 with fake rain and Bert says "all the old camp stuff, we're still doing it on this show."
Olivia talks about living in Australia for the last five months with her mom who's been very ill but is thankfully much better now. She is due to return to the USA in the next few months.