Thanks to Trevor
Cover and leather jacket slip cover similar to the American release but this comes on two DVDs.

Above: Australian DVD front/back cover
Above: Australia Grease DVD leather jacket slip case, front and back
Above: the two DVDs
Above: songbook cover
Beauty School: A 'how to' piece about those fabulous 50's hairstyles
featured in the film. A split screen will show the finished hairstyle on one
side, and a hairstylist re-creating it in a 'how-to' format on the other
Soda Jerk Specialties: A 'how-to' featurette about those soda
fountain treats of a bygone era. We'll have a soda jerk demonstrate how to
make those old fashioned soda shop favourites like ice cream sodas, egg
creams, malts and banana splits
Grease: 2 Disc Rockin' Edition
Australia release
September 14 2006
PAL, region 4
Paramount Home Entertainment
DVD 6351