Working hard, Riding High and Loving It

By Carolyn Johns
Whenever she wants to get away from it all Olivia Newton-John heads straight for her ranch in her beloved Australia. There she can do what she likes best in life; tend to her family, ride her favourite horses and even do a spot of sheep-shearing. At 41, Olivia has never looked more dazzling. She has found fulfilment in her marriage to actor Matt Lattanzi and in her role as mother to her three-year-old baby, Chloe Rose. Moreover, her career has picked up steam with the release of her latest album The Rumour - penned and produced by well-known rock star Elton John.
So it was a truly happy Olivia who received HELLO! at her ranch in New South Wales and agreed to pose for us with little Chloe, whom she rarely allows to be photographed.
How does it feel to be in your forties? Everyone must think you're much younger than your age.
Well, yes, people seldom guess my real age. As a matter of fact, people even speculated about my age when I started working. I used to find it amusing then. But the really important thing about all this is that although I'm older now, I enjoy life just as much as I used to. I'm a happy woman. I'm happy with my husband, my daughter Chloe and and of course, my work.
Why don‘t you ever allow journalists to take photographs of your daughter?
I feel that it's best for her to grow up without the obsession ol cameras and flashes. They frighten her a lot. l want my daughter to grow up to be herself. l would he very upset if people referred to her as Olivia Newton-John's daughter. But I've made a rare exception this time and allowed her to be photographed.
Do you think that at your age you'll play good girl roles again?
No. I want to go on making films but I would like to try my hand at playing deeper more mature roles. Movies like Grease are now history for me. l realise I can't go on forever looking like a young girl. I would like to do a classical film now just for a change. But I'm in no hurry. My priority, at the moment. is to watch my daughter grow up and to have time to play with her. This may take time away from my work, but ll doesn't mean I’ve stopped working.
Does the age difference between you and Matt worry you?
I think such considerations are absurd. True there is an 11-year difference between us and that this may seem odd in our modern-day society. It’s the sort of thing that always sparks lots of comments. But we love each other very much, and we're even happier now than on the day of our wedding. We both love a good challenge and we’ve learnt a lot from the past. Lots of people actually advised us to break off our engagement because of our age difference. But we thought their advice was ridiculous. Matt is an extremely mature person for his age, and I’m an a adolescent in spirit so I suppose we make the perfect couple.
What can you tell us about your last album The Rumour?
I'm very happy with it and I'm sure it will come first in the charts in time. Moreover, l was very lucky to be able to work with Elton John, who wrote the music for the record and produced it. I think it’s one of my best records.
What do you do in your spare time?
I'm a very homey person and l enjoy very much the company of my husband and daughter. I also like to escape to the countryside to breathe fresh air, after long spells in the city.
Do you like animals?
Yes. I love animals and this is why I have a ranch. I like to come out to it and ride, and visit all my neighbours and have morn visit me. lt’s a marvellous feeling to be in close touch with nature when you live in the city most of the time.
How's your new boutique, Koala Blue, doing?
It’s doing very well so far. People come from all over the country to see my clothes, or so they say. ln fact, I think lots of them come to my boutique out of sheer curiosity. They probably like to go back home and tell their friends about it. But I’m not really worried about what they may have to say about it, as long as it keeps on doing well.
Back in America Helping Raising Funds For A Worthy Cause
Olivia returned to California and found herself the star of a party at the Culver City Studios. She was publicly congratulated on the success of the recently -launched firm Koala Blue, which she partly owns.
Koala Blue is an international chain of 14 boutiques. The proceeds of the event, which included an exhibition of AustraIian birds, went to a home for under privileged children in Los Angeles.