Olivia on HMAS Hobart
80sthanks to Kay

Australia Day A Time For Ships
Australia Day 1988 was a maritime day in Sydney for bicentennial celebrations. The harbour was jammed with boats and ships; tall ships, First Fleet re-enactment ships, spectator craft and of course Royal Australian Navy ships. Pictured during the tall ships review are HMAS COOK (right) which embarked the Prince and Princess of Wales and HMAS CANBERRA which fired the bicentennial 88 gun salute.
Olivia and The D
When singer/actress Olivia Newton-John visited HMAS HOBART to record her latest video clip she attracted the looks and thoughts of many.
Olivia, we are told, was down to earth and at ease with her enormous talents. But what is this man in this picture, Lieutenant Commander Ralph MacDonald, thinking or about to say? HOBART's direction officer, he appears to have more than combat air control on his mind.
Write a caption for this photo and you could win a case of beer and a day at sea aboard HMAS HOBART. But you can't take the beer without the sea day.