Olivia Newton-John by Miss Piggy

Ed - The Muppet Show was a very popular TV comedy/satire series and starred amongst others the muppets Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog
Miss Piggy as told to Katy Dobbs
Miss Piggy - Moi just loves Christmas and doing all that Christmas shopping. And what fun for moi to be on assignment for Muppet Magazine in Los Angeles! I'm shopping with the sun shining, there's fake snow everywhere, and the stores are tres lovely. Moi had been out since early morning buying all kinds of wonderful goodies for a dear green frog, when moi wandered into just the cutest, sweetest store with everything in it from far across the sea. And moi turned to ask someone for help, when imagine moi's surprise..
ONJ: Hello, Miss Piggy. Welcome to Koala Blue.
MISS P: Oh, my goodness! Oh, Olivia, moi loves your records, your dancing, your movies. How wonderful to meet you Christmas shopping.
ONJ: I'm not shopping, Miss Piggy. I own this store with my partner, Sue (ed- Pat) Farrar.
MISS P: You, Olivia, a store owner? How chic! And it's called Koala Blue?
ONJ: Koala stands for "Korner of Australia (in) Los Angeles." And blue represents the fact that sometimes I get homesick for my native country which is sometimes called "Down Under."
MISS P: Well, if everything
ONJ: Why don't we sit down over here at the Milk Bar that's the Aussie version of your American soda fountain and I'll tell you about a few things. Would you like a hot meat pie, or perhaps some Vegemite, or a Pavlova?
MISS P: Yes, I mean no, ah ...moi means, what are those things?
ONJ: Well, Vegemite is something you spread on toast, a meat pie is a pie made with meat, and Pavlova is a dessert, made with meringue, whipped cream, and fruit.
MISS P: A snack will do. Moi will have Pavlova, please.
ONJ: Good choice. Now, the food in Australia isn't the only thing that's different than in America, Miss Piggy. Koala bears, kangaroos, wallabys all these animals are called marsupials because they carry their young in a pouch. There's also the wombat...
MISS P: Sounds like something moi has called Gonzo...
ONJ: ... which lives under the ground and only comes out at night. And have you ever heard of the platypus? It's a web- footed, duck-billed mammal with fur, which lays eggs and swims.
MISS P: Now that really sounds like Gonzo. Tres weird! And vous has these amazing creatures here?
ONJ: No, not the real ones. Just cuddly stuffed animals.
MISS P: Oh, moi must get Kermie his own Koala. Now, tell moi you haven't given up your brilliant career for business?
ONJ: Oh, no! I've been singing since I formed my first group with three girlfriends when I was fourteen. We called ourselves the "Soul Four." You see, Koala Blue is just a great way for me to bring a little bit of my own country to Los Angeles.
MISS P: Moi started singing at a tender young age, too. Did you always dream of being a great singer?
ONJ: I thought for a long time that I might be a veterinarian. I love animals. Or I thought about being a policewoman who gets to ride a horse all day. But I won a talent contest at fifteen and sailed away to England. Then, after I made my first record, "If Not For You," my career really started to take off.
MISS P: So vous never had time to become a vet.
ONJ: No, but I have nine dogs. They include an Irish setter, two great danes, a boxer, two puppies found on the side of the road..
MISS P: Moi will have to tell Rowlf to stop in for a visit. Seems as if you have a teensy-weensy soft spot for doggies.
ONJ: Dogs are wonderful. I love all my dogs very much.
MISS P: Moi is sure your millions of fans are thrilled that you didn't become a vet. And moi has always wondered how you can sing country western songs, rock songs, ballads and sound magnifique no matter what you sing! Oh, mmmmm, that Pavlova was yummy, and moi is still a tiny bit hungry.
ONJ: Another Pavlova for Miss P! And thanks for your kind words. I started out singing folk songs, but as I grew more confident as a singer, I began to experiment. I think ballads are my favorite songs to sing, but a singer can't do ballads all the time or people would fall asleep!
MISS P: Moi adores your video of "Let's Get Physical." And your acting and dancing in movies like Grease. Any more movies in your future?
ONJ: My last picture was a drama, Two of a Kind, but I hope to do another musical, as I do enjoy them. I'll have a video out with my new album soon, too.
MISS P: Kermit is, and always will be, moi's favorite leading man. But moi would consider working with John Travolta. You two together make a tres wonderful team!
ONJ: I love working with John, Miss Piggy. And if he calls, don't hesitate. He's fantastic.
MISS P: Now, what do vous do to celebrate the holidays under down, I mean, there under..
ONJ: It's Down Under, Miss Piggy. Well, for one thing, we all go to the beach and eat cold chicken.
MISS P: Oh, how unfortunate. You must freeze. Brrrr.
ONJ: Wait a minute, Miss Piggy. It's summertime in December in Australia. My family and friends all get together and go play in the sun on Christmas.
MISS P: Well, moi's happy you have a wonderful time. Now, if you could have someone pack up a few more pieces of Pavlova, for Kermit, of course, to put under the tree...
ONJ: Sure, Miss Piggy. And we'll top it off with a green bow.
MISS P: Merci, Olivia. And Merry Christmas.
ONJ: Merry Christmas to you, Miss Piggy.