The Unforgettables of 78

The world will see a lot less of Olivia Newton-John next year. The beautiful, blonde superstar plans to take things very quietly to mess about at home, to travel a bit, to take more holidays, to do whatever I feel like doing
. If the right film comes along, Olivia will not say no. And, of course, there will be more albums. But I need a breather. I need to take a look at what I want to do with the rest of my career,
Olivia said. I want more time at home and I want to go on more holidays.
Olivia, 30, recently became involved in the preservation of dolphins and would like to spend time researching the language of whales and dolphins. Earlier this year, she cancelled a tour of Japan as a protest at that country's slaughter of dolphins.
Despite the bright lights, glamor and success of show business, Olivia really is happiest at home roaming around her beautiful hilltop ranch at Malibu outside of Los Angeles. Most of the rooms give a breathtaking view of the Pacific. In the nearby paddocks, Olivia keeps a variety of well-fed, four-legged animals including horses, cats, four of her own dogs plus hungry strays which find their way into her ranch... and her heart.
The number one female singer in America likes nothing better than to get up at dawn and trudge through the early morning dew in boots, jeans and a check shirt. She loves those early morning rides on her chestnut quarter horse Judge. I've spent 15 years of my life getting to this position and often what happens is you get caught up in trying to do too much you don't get time to enjoy the success of it. I've seen it happen to other people and I'm determined to benefit from their mistakes. I have a personal life that's what is important. A career doesn't keep me company, it keeps me busy. I have my friends, my home and my family of animals.
On her future, the deceptively fragile-looking Olivia says she has her eyes on a number of plum film roles. She would like to do a remake of the famous musical Annie Get Your Gun.