Clearly Love album review

OLIVIA Newton-John: Clearly Love. Olivia Newton-John (vocals); orchestra. Lovers; He’s My Rock Let It Shine; Clearly Love; Just A Lot of Folk; and six others. MCA MCA-2148 $6.98, MCAT-2148 $7.98 MCAC-2148 $7.98.

Performance Nice. Recording: Nice

Olivia Newton-John sounds like a nice girl singing nice songs. A lot of nice people seem to enjoy her work and certainly she makes one of the prettiest picture ever to flash across your TV screen. As to how well she sings, I really don’t think I could tell you, for she seems to come gift-wrapped in such an attractive package of winning ways that I can’t help but like her.

She winds her way prettily through such things as Clearly Love or He Ain’t Heavy… He’s My Brother (although the thought does occur during this last song that perhaps prettiness and charm aren’t exactly what the writers of it had in mind). Anyway, Olivia is in the tradition of the Janet Gaynors, the June Allysons, and another Olivia de Havilland all of them ingenues who radiated a genuine niceness along with a certain blankness. As to who and what they really are well, it wouldn’t be nice to ask that, now would it?