Devoted To Each Other
10sthanks to Kay

Olivia Newton-John raised her daughter Chloe Lattanzi here and they both took time to share memories with MTM on one of those warm days that make anyone outside of Malibu envious. a recurring theme of what the two shred was the importance of the mother-daughter relationship that they have built.
People always ask me what my biggest achievement is, and the first thing that comes to mind is my daughter
Newton-John said. If she's happy, I'm happy.
Newton-John has since moved to the Santa Barbara area with her husband John Easterling, but she was quick to point out that she comes to the Malibu area to visit friends and her daughter whenever time permits. Lattanzi has stayed close to mMalibu, finding a place to live in Santa Monica. With the distance between them it has become even more important for the two to keep in touch.
I love to hear from her every day, even if it's just a text to know she's OK
Newton-John shared of how they remained close. That's motherly thing never goes away.
Before the two moved out of Malibu they had their share of houses in the area. I lived in Trancas first, and then Paradise Cove, then the Colony and then Serra retreat,
Newton-John explained
I've lived in every gorgeous area of Malibu.
Newton-John loved the atmosphere Malibu provided to raise Lattanzi, a self-described Malibu girl. I need to be near the water. If I'm not near the water, I'm not happy. It's calming,
Lattanzi said as she also joked about being afraid of sharks.
I think Malibu is honestly one of the most interesting places to grow up,
she continued.
It's just a melting pot of really interesting types of people and I was very lucky to grow up here. It'll always be a very special place in my heart. and i don't want them to build any more high-end stores here because I want to be able to go out in Malibu in my pyjama bottoms, and not have people wearing Gucci to Starbucks. That is not Malibu.
Lattanzi said the last part with a laugh, but knows that it holds some truth.
Newton-John's daughter attended Jaun Cabrillo and Webster Elementary School and later Malibu High School. Many of the people she is friends with today, she as known since she was five years old.
In fact the make up artist for the shoot with MTM Veronica Sinclair has been a close friend of Lattanzi since they were born and they all reminisced of trips from Disneyland to attending the annual Malibu Chilli Cook-off.
These days Newton-John is in Vegas headlining a series of performances at the Flamingo. The Summer Nights tour has dates booked in April, May, July and August. Caesars Palace in Vegas takes dogs
Newton-John joked. That's one of the reasons I agreed to do it
(The singer is very attached to her black German Shepherd, Raven, who was a gift from a friend after she and her husband lost two dogs.)
In addition to her Vegas tour, Newton-John has her hands full with several different charity causes. The main thing is my hospital in Australia. The Olivia Newton-John Center
Newton-John said. That was ten years of fundraising. It just fully opened last September.
The Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center is a place where patients who are undergoing cancer treatments can go for support, group therapy and various treatments, like acupuncture, to help them on their cancer journey.
When the Center opened Newton-John expressed she felt incredible joy and relief,
especially after receiving highly positive feedback from patients. She was very involved with the design and creation of the Center, flying out to Australia several times a year to meet with an architect and get the details exactly how she envisioned them, down to things like the lighting.
I also have the LIV aid, which is a device for self-breast exams for women so that if you have any lumps or any changes, it's more obvious,
Newton-John explained of a self-examination device used to help detect breast cancer.
It makes [lumps] appear larger so you know to go see your doctor.
As a breast cancer survivor herself, Newton-John pushes for people to become well educated and aware of breast health, along with routine visits to the doctor, in order to remain healthy.
The singer is also working with One Tree, One Child a foundation that encourages students to plant trees. Some of the kids have never seen a park,
Newton-John shared.
It's hard to imagine, but it's true.
Newton-John finds herself involved with these projects (and many more) because of a duty she feels to give back to the earth, which she says has given her so much. It's important to me,
Newton-John said. There are a million things I want to help with, and I can't do it all, but I think it's important and it's a responsibility as you get older to give back.
But for Newton-John, her favourite job will always be motherhood, making it to a point to always be there for Lattanzi no matter what. She's very supportive of me in all aspects of my life and whenever things get really hard, the first person I want to call is my mom,
Lattanzi said with a smile. I know that she'll always be there for me and she always makes me less afraid of things.
Lattanzi is currently pursuing a career in acting and as an online artist selling her music on Itunes. Her big dream is to write music for well-known artists. I'm at The Songwriting School of Los Angeles right now,
she said. I want to improve on my craft even more and I'm writing some music for a film right now that is being shot. I'm currently putting my catalog of music together to shop around publishing companies, and my dream is to write for Lady Gaga.
Though writing for Lady Gaga is a goal for the (near) future, Lattanzi is currently working on a soundtrack for what she describes as an indie movie. She has plans to release music videos on YouTube and through her friend's company Talkboy TV.
A project that Newton-John and Lattanzi are working on together is an upcoming documentary about their relationship and the path Lattanzi takes as she pursues songwriting. The documentary will also be released on Talkboy TV. filming is happening the first month of Newton-John starting her Vegas tour.
When asked to describe how Lattanzi , now 28 was while growing up, Newton-John reflected for a moment before she shared, Gorgeous, funny, sweet very sweet, inquisitive and creative. Same as she is now, she's just a bigger version. She's also very talented.
Lattanzi had a similar response when asked to share how she saw her mother: Funny, light hearted, positive, caring, compassionate and generous, so funny - I already said that - beautiful, open and accepting. I think I'm even more aware now of how incredibly strong and amazing she is. She has a successful career and she's been through so much..I have a lot of respect for her work ethic.
But even though Lattanzi and Newton-John are staying busy with their respective careers, they both know the importance of picking up the phone and maintaining the mother-daughter relationship that they share, which is a beautiful thing.