
thanks to Daniel Ubilla

Chile release of Gold DVD - review


Thanks to Daniel Ubilla for the Translation

1970s female music had just one name, Olivia Newton-John. Born in England, raised in Australia, the blonde touched the sky with her hands. Firstly, as John Travolta`s partner, in the unforgettable “Grease”. Secondly, as one of the singers who crossed over from country music into soft rock, which gave her artistic credibility.

Video Gold I and II is, until now, the complete audio-visual registry of the singer. Thirty-nine songs that, mainly, portray her artistic evolution. From her first country songs until her consolidation into soft rock, this work makes a conscientious summary of her work.

With an image that emphasized her beauty to becoming a icon of the 70`s. The material show the British singer’s videos, that today seem homemade, to clips that recall the Solid Gold TV era and songs from her live tour of the Physical album.

Video Gold I and II, is an encounter with the history, a musical tribute to one of the sex symbols of the 70`s. Her dreamy and romantic songs deeply touched more than one generation”